Friday, March 21, 2014

March Update

Introducing Andrew Wash

Q. Tell us a bit about yourself.
My name is Andrew Wash. I was born on August 27, 1992 in Birmingham, AL and was raised there. I am a senior at the University of Alabama majoring in Marketing, and I am about to graduate this May.

Q. Why Portland?
Although I have never been to Portland, I already love the city and look forward to engaging with the people there. I think that my hobbies will match well with the culture of Portland: I love coffee, outdoors, good food, big cities, and the NBA, and Portland has all of these things. I cannot wait to get to Portland and start working to meet people and engage neighbors with the gospel. I think that it will be very challenging to walk by faith each day and depend on Christ and love my neighbors well, and I know that I cannot do it apart from the grace of God, but I think it will be an incredible adventure and one which grows my love for and delight in God. And I am specifically excited to walk by faith in Portland and live for God’s glory in the midst of the community that will exist amongst the families who are going there. I think the love and fellowship that we share among our team will be critical for us making disciples in Portland, and I am stoked to join these families in God’s mission.

Q. What are you most excited about as you look toward life and ministry in Portland?
I am most excited for making relationships with nonbelievers and laboring to point them to Christ. In college I have found great joy through relational disciple making, and I look forward to seeing what God will do in the lives of people I meet and engage. I want to echo John the Baptist with what he says in John 3:30 regarding Jesus, “He must increase, I must decrease.” I want to labor diligently to reap a great harvest in Portland, fully trusting in and looking to the power of God and grace of God through me. And I know that God’s design for making disciples is by using His church, so I cannot wait to join together as the body of Christ to see lives changed by the power of the Gospel.  

 Adoption Of Sam 

Ben and Catherine have been in India for two weeks and are currently flying home!  They return this afternoon with Sam, oh how we praise the Lord for such a miracle!  Pray as they reunite with family and friends with precious Sam.  Pray as they adjust to life as a family of five.  

Prayer needs

1) Pray For the Dockerys as they return home with Sam from India.  Pray as they adjust to becoming a family of five. 

2) Pray for the Martins’ house to sell and that we will keep our eyes fixed on Jesus as we wait.

3) Pray for other families that are praying and making plans to join our team and move to Portland.

4) Pray for Portland.  God is already at work!