Why Portland?

Portland, Oregon ranks second in the United States for cities with the lowest number of self-identified Christians. In fact, 68.4% of its residents are unaffiliated with any religious body.  

While some may see a city given to pornography, homosexuality, microbreweries, and an obsession with being weird, we see a city full of people made in God’s image who desperately need the gospel of Jesus Christ in order to be restored to a relationship with Him.

Portland is a city surrounded by the majestic beauty of God’s creation while the people live in spiritual darkness. It is a city where environmentalism is celebrated, but the Author of the environment is rejected. It is a city that prides itself in individual expression but denies being made in the image of God.

We desire to see God transform lives through the power of the gospel. We desire to see disciples of Jesus made in the midst of this incredible city.

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